Patch 1.2

General Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in rare edge cases where gravity isn't turned back on properly from air blocking.
- Fixed issue where certain characters were able to cancel out of their air block animation.
System-wide Combat Changes
- Across the board juggle adjustments: several problematic attacks that allowed repeatable juggle sequences have had their juggle limiter penalty value increased in order to mitigate the amount of juggle loops that can be performed in certain combos.
- Super Meter Gauge: meter gain has been decreased across the board by about 25%. Super attacks and EX Attacks also grant much less gauge to the victim.
- Megazord attacks now grant reasonable super gauge to the defender on hit and block. E.g., Dragonzord’s Drill (Light Attack) no longer completely fills up the victim’s super meter. Additionally, they ignore the juggle limiter override system.
- Megazord attacks can no longer be summoned during certain juggle and stagger states. If a player with their Megazord mode activated is being hit or in a combo, they're now unable to mash out a Megazord attack until they're in a recovering or actionable state.
- Meter-based attacks like Supers, Swap Strikes, and EX Attacks now ignore the juggle limiter system, playing through and guaranteeing their hits when executed at the end of lengthy combos.
- The initial hits of most multi-hit attacks no longer trigger the juggle limiter override system.
- EX Attacks: increased invincible frames across the board to reduce the likelihood of assist attacks blowing through phase one of the attack (although phase two is always vulnerable).
- Most EX Attacks across the board have had their block advantage decreased significantly, making them much easier to punish.
- EX Attacks now only trigger their follow-up phases when successfully connecting with the enemy leader, and never against an enemy assist.
- Swap Strikes and EX Attacks: all target combo enders can be canceled into ANY meter-based attack. E.g., Red Ranger can perform L > L > L > L, and on hit or block, he can then cancel into Swap Strike, EX Attack, or Super.
- Swap Strikes can now OTG against certain knockdown states, such as Sentry’s forward throw (e.g., forward throw into Swap Strike is a valid combo now).
- Most characters can now air special cancel their jumping L, M, and H attacks.
- ALL AntiAir attacks such as Red Ranger's crouching heavy and Mastodon Sentry's back medium have been added as "reversal" attacks so that they can be used from wakeup and recovery states, allowing defenders to counter oppressive meaty jump attack strategies along with instant overhead mixups.
- Assist attacks: removed most landing invincibility frames across the board. This is balanced around the functionality of the assist. For instance, utility lockdown assists like Mastodon Sentry’s are easier to interrupt, while defensive assists like Lord Drakkon’s, remain invulnerable for a significant time.
- Assists now automatically leave after 5 seconds when their leader is no longer in play, preventing “infinite” assist loops.
- All wakeup states now have 1 frame of throw invulnerability to give defenders a chance to jump out of meaty throws. States landing from jumps and air resets have 5 frames of throw invulnerability as well.
- Most characters’ low-hitting normal attacks have had their number of active frames increased, making them more likely to hit opponents holding up (jump/jump back/jump forward) on their wake-up and landing states.
- “Low” projectiles like Drakkon’s neutral Special, Red Ranger’s special backroll into medium input follow-up, and Mastodon Sentry’s crouching heavy, can now be blocked standing.
- Incoming characters, entering from both Swap Strike and K.O., have more gravity and fall in more naturally. Additionally, incoming characters have to wait a number of frames before they can perform their aerial specials. Incoming jumping attacks no longer halt forward movement during this falling state.
- The combo counter now properly stops counting hits in certain edge cases (a.k.a “uncombo combos”).
- Certain attacks that fling the victim across the screen no longer shove the attacker away when the victim’s back is to the corner.
- PVP match timer has been reduced to 200 seconds for competitive play, down from 300 seconds. Arcade and Story mode timers are set to 300 seconds.
- Hitstun and juggle limit penalties now only apply when hitting the leader and no longer "double up" when hitting both leader and assist, preventing early air reset situations due to the juggle limit feature kicking in prematurely.
- Attacks can now always hit both the enemy leader and enemy assists for the entire duration of its active window, and not only if they connect on the same frame. E.g., a single hit (non-projectile) attack that persists for a long time and travels across the screen can hit the leader and each assist once.
- Super: beefy hits of the super now scale according to the combo damage scaling system, slightly decreasing its overall damage. Decreased overall advantage to make it easier to punish.
- Crouching light: increased active frames.
- Standing heavy 2: increased combo damage scaling increment, reducing corner damage loops. Increased hitstun/juggle limit penalty.
- Gust (Back + Heavy): removed the hit reaction portion of the attack. Now only reflects projectiles and moves the opponent away without interrupting their actions.
- Fixed an issue where putting Goldar in a certain air hit reaction caused a soft lock state.
Green Ranger
- Crouching light: increased active frames. The window at which Green Ranger can cancel into an attack (e.g., crouching light into crouching light) has been pushed back a number of frames. Crouching light can be blocked standing.
- Standing heavy attack: reduced pop-up effect against airborne enemies, mitigating the length of certain corner loop combos.
- Jumping medium and its follow-up: can now be canceled with Airborne Special.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Super: Increased pre-super-camera phase and removed all invulnerability frames; 12 frames of start-up before super camera, making it riskier to throw out in the neutral game.
- Crouching medium: increased active frames.
- Crouching heavy: increased hitstun/juggle limit penalty.
- Fixed an issue where putting Kat in a certain air hit reaction caused a soft lock state.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Super: Increased recovery and reduced blockstun of projectiles to make the attack easier to punish on block. Super is now less likely to be punishable on hit in certain corner scenarios.
Lord Drakkon
- Crouching hurtbox height has been decreased (shrunk down); normalized with other characters of his size.
- Crouching medium: increased active frames.
- Crouching heavy: increased hitstun/juggle limit penalty.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- EX Attack: Overhauled overall animation phases to prevent corner loop juggles.
- Super: Increased recovery to make it easier to punish on block. Super is now less likely to be punished on hit in certain corner scenarios.
Magna Defender
- Back special (Counter): Magna Defender is now vulnerable to all attacks for the first 6 frames. Counterattack hurtbox becomes active on frame 7, and lasts for 22 frames. Also fixed an issue where Magna Defender could dash cancel out of Counter follow-up.
- Health increased to 1100, up from 1050.
- Crouching medium: increased active frames. No longer juggles airborne enemies.
- Crouching heavy: increased hitstun and juggle limit penalty.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Fixed an issue where Magna Defender could cancel out of the recovery of his Airborne Special.
- Neutral Special (Buckshot): reduced chip damage and meter gain on block for both Magna Defender and victim.
- Forward Special (Charging Slash)): reduced startup from 29 to 28 frames.
- Standing medium: can cancel two frames earlier, making certain juggle combos involving Charging Slash easier.
- Super: Increased recovery and reduced blockstun of projectiles to make the attack easier to punish on block.
Mastodon Sentry
- Crouching medium: increased active frames.
- Tripleshot 1, 2, (Special, Special Follow-up): Each now deal 50 damage, up from 40.
- Airborne Special: Now deals 50 damage, up from 40.
- Mine (Forward + Special): Now nullified and destroyed if its owner (Mastodon Sentry), is successfully hit while it’s in play. Its duration has been increased and now deals 70 damage, up from 60.
- EX Attack: increased damage. Can now OTG and combo off of certain knockdown states, giving him a method of converting Super gauge into damage. Last hit now causes wall bounce instead of sliding knockdown. Phase 1 hitboxes are larger, making it more reliable when connecting against airborne opponents.
- Jumping heavy/Airborne Special: Added new aerial rifle sequences, allowing jumping heavy to cancel into air special back into jumping heavy.
Ranger Slayer
- Airborne Special: Now nullified and destroyed if its owner (Ranger Slayer), is successfully hit while it’s in play.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Arrow Nock (Neutral Special): Arrow Nock buff stays on when Ranger Slayer blocks attacks.
- Super: Increased recovery and reduced blockstun of projectiles to make the attack easier to punish on block. Projectile is much larger now, making it easier to connect with in juggle combos. Super now only detonates and transitions into second phase if the projectile connects with the enemy leader, and never against assists.
- Fixed an issue with Ranger Slayer's gravity not being reactivated after performing certain airborne specials extremely close to the ground.
Red Ranger
- Crouching light: increased active frames.
- Backroll Shots (Back+Special and its follow-ups): Reduced damage, speed, and durability of shots, but can now shoot two shots consecutively with repeat inputs (e.g., backroll => M, M or backroll => S, S).
- Standing Heavy 1, Heavy 2: Changed air hit reactions. First heavy causes juggle, second heavy spikes down.
- Airborne Special: increased knockback to make juggle combos easier to perform. Can now be used to cross-up opponents in the corner.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Super: Increased recovery to make it even more punishable.
Yellow Ranger
- Health increased to 1000, up from 950.
- Crouching light: increased active frames.
- Super: now hits more reliably against enemies close to her head, preventing unintentional cross-up situations where the victim is knocked behind her.
- Airborne Special Cancels: all jump attacks can now be special-canceled.
- Super: Increased recovery to make it more punishable on whiff and block.