Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Turns 2!

Battle for the Grid turns two tomorrow! On March 25th 2019, we released Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. A week later, on April 2nd, the game launched on PlayStation 4. We’ve come a long way since then:
- Our roster of Rangers and Villains grew from 9 at launch to 21 through free DLC and three season passes
- We added a story mode inspired by the Shattered Grid comics story arc
- We debuted cross platform multiplayer (or “crossplay”) alongside our Season 1 DLC pass - letting friends on different platforms play each other online
- The game entered the Grid on more platforms - we released a PC version in September 2019, and a Stadia version in June 2020
- We released another two season passes - bringing characters like Quantum Ranger, Lauren Shiba, and Scorpina to the Grid
- Last year we launched the Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid League, kicking off at Frosty Faustings XII. COVID-19 made us get creative, and the rest of our events so far have been online tournaments. We’re excited to share upcoming plans for the remaining League stops in the future
As we look back no the past two years and ponder what's to come, let's take a look at some nWay and community memories.
Steve Kuroki, nWay’s VP of Creative, shared this early, pre-alpha screenshot of the game, it’s interesting to see how things have evolved over from this early iteration:
Some folks remember specific character releases, and how they were celebrated. Like Anubis Cruger, which we sent a signed Lightning Collection figure to Maximillion Dood. People in the studio loved getting to put their chicken scratch on swag:
Here’s nWay’s Brian Murphy playing with fans at Frosty Faustings XII, our first League Major:
Our Combat Designer, Long Tran, has fond memories of working Dan Southworth, voice of Quantum Ranger, and Evo:
“As a Vergil fan, my favorite moment working on BftG was getting to help direct Dan Southworth's Quantum Ranger voice lines on a call with our sound director, Tony. At one point I was so giddy that I was jumping up and down with my hand over the microphone mouthing, "Vergil is yelling at us!" as Dan was performing his lines. He was such a super cool dude, and he was 100% on board with us having him to do Quantum Ranger x Vergil lines like "Foolishness, Lord Zedd!". I still smile thinking about comments like, "he said the thing we were expecting him to say!" Dan was definitely motivated.
Another favorite moment of mine was when we were featured at an Evo tournanemt exhibition. The tournament was a blast to watch and the passion from the players was nothing short of inspiring. The high praise from our player interviews almost had me sobbing, vindicating a lot of my team's efforts and the soul that was put into this game to get it to where it was.“
Finally, what is a Power Rangers game without some take on the classic jam “Go! Go! Power Rangers!” from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? Sound Designer Tony Porter remembers when fans discovered the updated Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid theme song.
And here are some comments and favorite memories from Rangers in our community:
For @DouhaDusklight, there’s a certain pride in seeing a Power Rangers fighting game at all, and watching it game grow over time
Oh gosh, I think the biggest one that means a lot to me is just that not only this game came out at all, but it grew to be such a darling to such a dedicated group of players. This game could have died in obscurity, but it didn't. I'm so proud of this game.
— -銅歯- Team Swamp Warlock (@DouhaDusklight) March 19, 2021
@MKLANCER00 plays Lobbies every Sunday night with their friends while chatting on Discord. It’s an enjoyable experience thanks to rollback netcode.
Playing the game every Sunday night with my friends over discord call thanks to the lobbies and rollback
— Lancer (@MKLANCER00) March 19, 2021
Fingers crossed there’s at least one more season of characters coming in the future 🙏
@RogueYoshi started developing a Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid curriculum for their local YMCA!
Writing a curriculum for the game for the local Philly YMCA
— rogueyoshi.com/coaching (@rogueyoshi_FGC) March 19, 2021
Fighting games have a high skill ceiling, and for @Gabriel_Ignite this was the game they dedicate time to, learning combos and improving their skills.
First fighting game I've ever tried to dedicate time, thanks to my connection with the characters (thanks to the comics I've been reading) the game made me want to learn combos and even the 1-9 system for the buttons that I didn't even know.
— Gabriel Alonzo (@Gabriel_Ignite) March 19, 2021
Speaking of birthdays… @CaptainKuhn spent their birthday last year playing Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid with friends. Sounds like they made good use of Quantum Power.
Last February, I had some friends over for my birthday at the school we went to, where I booked the theater room, hooked my xbox up and we played this for atleast 3 hours. I decided to be cheap and had quantum ranger as my third so I kept spamming his gun like a weenie
— Kurt (TheCaptain) Kuhn (@TheCaptainKuhn) March 21, 2021
And, like many, @_SpiderGuy_ has a fondness for the Quantum Ranger reveal trailer. Don’t we all need more Quantum Power in our life?
Three words...
— Spider Guy (@_SpiderGuy_) March 19, 2021
Quantum Ranger trailer https://t.co/StAA9vO5Kl
We’re really proud of the work the team has done so far and the love we’ve gotten from the community. We’re excited to share what's next.